MyNews Hot-Text
2019-09-06 21:27:28 UTC
What does it take to convince a sinner
that they are in fact a sinner??
You Are You Trying To Convincethat they are in fact a sinner??
Ex-Criminal That They Are Stel Criminal
The Fact Is The Victims Aren't Willing
To Let Criminals To Live In Peace
You see a real sinner,
one that confesses *in truth*,
is a person that has nothing more to say.
They're done, they're cactus, finished with
trying to justify themselves!
I Confessesone that confesses *in truth*,
is a person that has nothing more to say.
They're done, they're cactus, finished with
trying to justify themselves!
That I Was A Former Prisoner
Yes A Real Sinner A Criminal
A Law Breaker From The Pass
Who Foregive My Victims
For Their Crimes
The Truth Is
I AM Justify Under The Law
I Did My Due Time
For All Payment Made If Full
And Was Freed From The Keys Of Laws
Yet, all I read
and hear is the incessant sinful rattling mouths
of churchgoers of perfection???!!!
So You Call Church Goers Crimenand hear is the incessant sinful rattling mouths
of churchgoers of perfection???!!!
A Crimeful Mouths Of Perfectane
Pharisee fundamentalists proffering their dead, inept, brand of so called
legal 'blood-soaked'
'God's okay with a sinner as long as I am trying
according to the measure of my own judgement'
religious theology!!!
A Church-Goers Fatally Shotlegal 'blood-soaked'
'God's okay with a sinner as long as I am trying
according to the measure of my own judgement'
religious theology!!!
By The Judgement Of A Police Person
Who Thought The Criminal Was A Sinner
Well, and the usual atheist deluded mutterings of complete scientific
fantasy also.
It's A Complete Magicians Godfantasy also.
That Takes Human To Hell
Is scientific Fantasy
To The World Of Man
But You Not Of This World
Michael Christ
How About Perfection
Bible Meaning
Of Theist To Atheist
Bible Books = Law Books
Sin = Crime
Sined = Crimed
Sinner = Criminal
Sinful = Crimeful
Fantasy or Truth
Your Name as
Michael Christ